Monday 28 February 2011

Wisdom from Kurt Vonnegut....

"One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain.  You will have entertained us."

When I read this quote, two main thoughts pop into my head.  The first, that this is Vonnegut's humour at its best.  The second, that is this really what we've come to? Taking death as nothing more than a form of entertainement for society? 

One of the main reasons for Vonnegut to write his book was to show his anti-war and pro-reality views.  He writes as if he wants to show us what war is really like after all of the celebrations after winning and the heroism when soldiers return.  This quote really does display clearly what is though of the death of others now-a-days.  This quote also relates slaughterhouse five to brave new world in the ideas of desensitization and the effects of it. 

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