Thursday 14 April 2011

Slaughterhouse Five: movie material?

Should SH5 be a movie? No, I don't think so.  While I read books, I tend to get pictures in my head, almost as if I were watching a movie.  With Vonnegut's novel, it is far too random to get a thorough grasp on exactly what is happening.  Just when you think you understand what is going on, Billy time travels and you have to figure it out all over again.  In order for a movie to be successful, there has to be some kind of reason or pattern to it.  Granted, this may work as a film if it had an amazingly talented director, though the chances are that it would turn out similar to Brave New World, which ended up with a completely different set up than the original author had intended.  For example, the BNW movie ended up making the outcasted, odd looking, strange man named Bernard into an accepted man with social skills.  This is almost a 360 degree turn around.  In SH5 the plot is too complicated and out of order to make into a movie, or at least into a good movie that satisfies the real story.

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